


ClientProperties describes the attributes and capabilities of a consumer's client


# new ClientProperties()

View Source profile/client-properties.js, line 9


# static createClientProperties(args) → {ClientProperties}

Name Type Description
args Object
appId String

Application identifier

appVersion String

Application version identifier

browser String

Browser name

browserVersion String

Browser version

deviceFamily ClientProperties.DeviceFamily

Device family (e.g. "DESKTOP", "MOBILE", etc)

deviceManufacturer String

Device manufacturer (e.g. 'LG', 'Apple', etc)

deviceModel String

Device model

features Array.<ClientProperties.Features>

Array of possible client features

integration ClientProperties.Integration

Integration type. For example: web_sdk, mobile_sdk, and brand_sdk

integrationVersion String

Identifies the version of the integration

ipAddress String

client IP address

os ClientProperties.OS

Operating system (e.g. 'WINDOWS', 'LINUX')

osName String

Text describing the operating system version

osVersion String

Text describing the operating system version

timeZone String

TimeZone identifier. Input format is either TZ identifier (i.e. 'America/Los_Angeles' OR GMT Offset (i.e 'GMT-7:00' or 'GMT+5:30')

View Source profile/client-properties.js, line 47